
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cottonwood Creek and Palmer Hayflats

This is a really neat hike and one that the kids thought was quite the adventure. The Cottonwood Creek trail starts below Scout Ridge. There's a large-ish parking lot with potties and an information kiosk. A lot of the online information warns of checking the tide but that doesn't seem to be a worry anymore since at some point a bridge was put over Cottonwood Creek.

You will need rainboots or waders for you and waders for the kids to walk the whole trail. There is grating put down on the path and the first part wasn't wet or muddy so even if you don't want to wade you can go out and enjoy the bird-watching and expansive views. We were all wearing rain boots but the water got a little too deep for the little ones' boots to be effective. We still got far enough for the girls to love the experience of walking a water trail though. A little note, this is Alaska so oil seeps to the surface of the muck and it doesn't smell good if it gets on you.

For more information on Cottonwood Creek click here.

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