
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hunter Pass

The Hunter Pass trail is an offshoot of the South Fork Eagle River trail. The junction is marked with a post and the trail goes from relatively flat to straight up hill, no switchbacks. The whole way is icy and muddy, I didn't need ice grippers but I sure would have liked them. Other hikers wearing grippers were up and down a lot faster than we were. I'll include this as kid-friendly because there's no scrambling and there was a lot of scenery on the way up. If your child isn't a fan of walking straight up a hill though I'd skip it and continue down the South Fork trail.

From the bottom the ridge looked a lot thinner than it really was, in reality there's a saddle at the top between the two mountain tops. The girls and I walked a little ways down it (the last two photos) and I was curious what kind of view we would have had if we would have kept going but the wind got the best of us and we turned back.

For more information on Hunter Pass trail click here.

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